Organic Cocoa Powder for Health Benefits - Springs AH

Monday, 19 November 2018

Item details

City: Springs AH, Mpumalanga
Offer type: Sell
Price: R 170


Contact name George Aboagye
Phone 0116151088/0653539614

Item description

Prevention of Heart Diseases and Heart Problems, Prevents High Blood Pressure and the Normalization of Blood Pressure, Improves and Restores Memory(All Ages), Improves and Restores Brain Functioning(All Ages), Restores and Improves Concentration(All Ages), Relieves Cramps/Pains during Menstrual Cycle, Prevents Blood Clotting, Delays and Prevents the Introductory Characteristics of Varicose Veins, Boost Fertility and Restores a Healthy Libido, Relaxes the Body, Fights Stress(Tension), Relief Bronchial Asthma, Prevents Cancer and delays it's Introductory symptoms, Cleanses and Detoxes the Body(Flushes out all Radicals(Toxins)).

100% Organic Cocoa Powder- No preservatives or chemicals added during processing. Sundried

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